Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest are all examples of popular social networks today. After it being launched in 2004, Facebook has become the world's largest social network. My first impression of Facebook is its wide use and amount of users. It can be used by corporations and businesses for marketing, or by everyday people to stay connected with family and news. Overall Facebook is very user friendly and allows anyone to talk to anyone around the world with the use of Messanger, or stay posted with what friends and family are doing. It is easy to start conversations, create groups, and discussions. On the other hand, the number of targeted ads can be overwhelming. In Twitter, people can post statuses of what they are doing, their opinions, pictures, videos, and links. These are limited to 280 characters, which in a way it's good since most tweets are kept short to allow for faster navigation. Personally, I don't use Twitter but I can see it's entertaining a...