
Privacy and confidentiality issues have become even greater with new media. New media has allowed for information to be more easily accessible and shared with people. Your friend can be on the other side of the world and that person would be able to see your posts online. However, the use of new media tools such as social networks can lead to privacy and confidentiality concerns. For example, when creating a new account you are agreeing to privacy agreements. By agreeing, some of these companies can gather different data and sell your information. This is where confidentiality and privacy concerns come into play. According to the article, "The Wild West of Privacy" by Joe Nocera, big data brokers such as Acxiom, have developed tools that allow them to gather big amounts of data about ourselves and then sell it to companies that are interested in learning anything from out habit to our health and finances. When using new media, keeping one's privacy and confidentiality is almost impossible. 


  1. I completely agree with your statement regarding how impossible it is to keep your privacy in new media. That is why we see so many people get their information leaked, even their passwords. Hopefully, the future holds better security systems that prevents this from happening.

  2. As you mentioned, companies aim to collect consumer data that can be analyzed and used for future business decisions. Though that data can potentially be used beneficially by companies to efficiently operate or create better products/services, consumers are opposed to the idea of personal and identifiable information being collected. I agree with your statement that as the usage of new media increases, it becomes inherently difficult to ensure that particular information remains private and confidential. For companies, it is tempting to not utilize that valuable consumer data because doing so can lead to better profits. As the issue regarding privacy with new media continues, it is essential for individuals to be cognizant of privacy policies and agreements.


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