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I believe virtual reality technology use will continue to increase in the future and new ways of using this media will be invented. Recently, I started teaching my cousin how to drive, and honestly, it is very nerve-racking. As VR reality usage increases, I believe it can be used as a way of teaching students drivers how to drive, park, and show them different scenarios before they start practicing in real life. Maybe this can be a course before they take their license exam to ensure that they are prepared. 


  1. Hi Maria,
    I really like your idea of a new way to learn how to drive. As technology has evolved, we should use it wisely in order to improve our learning. It is also an interesting idea as it would help many young people to learn faster and better, as they would certainly be more committed to "play a virtual game".

  2. I love how through your frustration comes a great idea. The Air force and Nasa teach pilots through virtual reality how to fly before going into combat and space. I think a virtual driving center would be a good look. It would also make the streets a little safer. Thank you for your post I enjoyed it.


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