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I believe virtual reality technology use will continue to increase in the future and new ways of using this media will be invented. Recently, I started teaching my cousin how to drive, and honestly, it is very nerve-racking. As VR reality usage increases, I believe it can be used as a way of teaching students drivers how to drive, park, and show them different scenarios before they start practicing in real life. Maybe this can be a course before they take their license exam to ensure that they are prepared. 

Wiki So Far

For our class wiki, a recent page was added to the wiki called "What is Covid-19 and how it is affecting us". This is the page that I would like to contribute. I have not contributed to the wiki yet but I have done some research on some of the effects since other contributors have done a great job in explaining what it is, symptoms, ways to prevent it, and treatments.  This is an important topic to contribute to since it's very current and we are all being affected by it in some sort of way. On this page, I will be adding some of my research on the effects of Covid-19 on social life. One of the biggest effects on our social life is cancellations or postponement of large-scale sports and social distancing with our peers and family. Other examples are disruptions of celebrations of cultural and religious events due to limits on social gatherings, closure of restaurants, and entertainment such as movie theories and sports clubs. Overall, I will be contributing to the social ...


File sharing is distributing or giving access to digital media through the use of networks and the internet. File sharing allows people to access and distribute information from different locations.  P2P file sharing is a peer to peer file sharing that facilitates users to access and share digital information/files with each other by using networks and software programs (P2P File Sharing 2016). P2P file sharing is a way to share documents, music, and play games by using software programs. Some examples of P2P file sharing is the application Gnutella. Users who use the Gnutella software connect to the Gnutella network and can access files from there. Gnutella users place the files they want to share on their hard disks and make them available for everyone else for downloading in P2P. Users can share and access different files such as music and movies for free.  Another example of a P2P file-sharing software is BitTorrent that allows for faster download. According to the article...


Privacy and confidentiality issues have become even greater with new media. New media has allowed for information to be more easily accessible and shared with people. Your friend can be on the other side of the world and that person would be able to see your posts online. However, the use of new media tools such as social networks can lead to privacy and confidentiality concerns. For example, when creating a new account you are agreeing to privacy agreements. By agreeing, some of these companies can gather different data and sell your information. This is where confidentiality and privacy concerns come into play. According to the article, "The Wild West of Privacy" by Joe Nocera, big data brokers such as Acxiom, have developed tools that allow them to gather big amounts of data about ourselves and then sell it to companies that are interested in learning anything from out habit to our health and finances. When using new media, keeping one's privacy and confidentiality is ...


If I were hired by Baruch College to use new media to improve the College, I would make the following suggestions. I just came to know that Baruch has different Instagram accounts, my first suggestion would be to take more advantage of the media that has already been created. Introducing these networks should be an important topic during orientation and it should be promoted on the Baruch website. This would lead to more awareness and more student traffic since many students are not even aware of it. Changing content and posting important events is also important. Also, I would recommend and encourage Baruch students to take over these media accounts and publishing content that students will be more interested in. Another suggestion would be to create virtual 3D maps and virtual tours of the campus. Many times students don't take advantage of the many different amenities the campus has to offer, or have a hard time finding help because they don't know it even exists. Introducin...

Creativity & New Media

With the help of Bitmoji, I've created my own personal avatar. I can share my avatar with different backgrounds and expressions and share it with friends and family on social media. Bitmoji helps me be more creative through text and Snapchat when talking with friends. I have also used my personal avatar to invite friends and family to gatherings. 


New media fosters creativity by allowing people to be exposed to other creativity. New media such as Youtube, tweeter, Blogs, and Instagram allow users to share pictures and videos of their creativity. As a result, new media exposes individuals to millions of diverse posts that create innovation.  New media also helps industries and people with creativity by allowing them to crowdsource opinions from others. According to the article, "How User-generated Content can Improve your Social Media Marketing Strategy", Lisa Mulcahy says that when trying to reach new or existing customers "one must speak their language". It's asking them for their opinion on the products and getting feedback on what type of content they love to see. Being able to get honest opinions from consumers, can help organizations/people test and improve their products, ultimately fostering creativity.  Work Cited: